What does it mean to be a Christian man? Have we lost sight of what biblical manhood looks like? When I look around the church, I see many women filling ministry roles meant for men and few men stepping up to answer God's call. For some reason, the church has become a job for women rather than men. Many men have followed the example of their fathers and abdicated their role as provider, protector, and proclaimer over to the women in our lives... and thank God for those women who have stepped up in the absence of male servants who see Jesus as their example to follow in servanthood. Here at Mount Carmel, we want to create an environment that cultivates biblical manhood.
verb. [ kuhl-tuh-veyt ]
to promote the growth or development of; to foster.
The FIVE Assignments of Biblical Men
We were created to worship. It is more than words and more than singing... worship is our heartfelt response to the one who created us. Does the worship of God in your life reflect your relationship with Him?
The Bible tells us that the enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. God gave men to the family to protect and defend. We must keep watch and stand firm. Always on the look out for danger, placing our faith in His promises.
Providing for your family comes through labor. However, it is not enough to just bring home a paycheck. Being the one who provides for your family includes the financial responsibility, but also comes with the role of equipping them for life and nurturing them when they need it.
Throughout history, when God-called men have stood for justice and righteousness, those around them have flourished. Proclaiming the word of God is not just for preachers. Husbands and dads are called to teach their families about God and what He expects from them. You can be the lead discipler in your home, but it takes effort from you to learn God's word for yourself.
When Jesus returns He will be coming to get his bride. The Bible tells us that He will present us spotless and blameless to the Father. Men are called to love their wives as Christ loves His bride, the church. When your bride stands before God to be judged, what effect will the way you have loved her have on her eternity? Will she be spotless and blameless because of the way you loved her?
Ultimately, men are servants. Just as Christ came not to be served, but to serve the church... even to the point of dying for her, men are to reflect that same devotion to servanthood.
Join Us!
The MCBC Men gather on the last Saturday of each month for a time of prayer and a study of God's word. Any male ages 12 and up are invited to attend. Follow the link below to find out dates and times, as well as register for the breakfast